donderdag 26 mei 2011


I’m Sanne and I’m fifteen years old. I live with my parents and my little brother in the Netherlands. I’ve also a hobby: gymnastics! I do it two times in a week and training six hours. I’m in the selection. Also what I do is running, one time in a week.

dinsdag 24 mei 2011

A blog of a another person:

Blogs of Kim Theebe:
They are a lot of blog’s on the web. One of my favorites is the blog of Kim Teebe.  Because I must often laugh about her blogs. Example her ‘My worst vacation ever at Luxembourg’. Self have I experienced, when we goes to Texel. We have much in common. Therefore have I choice her blog. Also follow Kim me and I follow her. Now can we react. 
week 21

Clothes what I like and hate

What I wear today:
Today it’s a sunny day, therefore I’m wearing today a t-shirt. The shirt is white - black striped. Also has my shirt a text: I love City Life. The text goes well by myJ The text is in a red color. I have this shirt received of my grandma. Wear also a jeans, it’s skinny . My jeans are in a dark blue collar. This jeans sit very well and It matches good with my shirt. I wear often a skinny jeans. That is also a reason why is choice for this jeans. Under my jeans wear I my new shoes. I think they are beautiful. They have also a gel soles. They are black with pink flowers. I have this shoes bought yesterday. For my birthday. 

What I never, ever will wear:
They are much thinks that is never will wear. Example: clogs and Crocks to school. They are ugly. Only by children it’s cute. They are a lot of shoes what I never wear. Example: socks with sandals. Also will I never wear to short skirts. I find It ordinarily. They is one thing that I never, ever to wear near school, and that is knitted sweater from my grandma!

week: 21

dinsdag 17 mei 2011

My best and worst holiday

The worst holiday at Zealand:
My worst holiday memory is undoubtedly at Zealand. It was in the summer of 2010. The start was already bad. Went we left, was it started rain. That was not the only problem. All the stuff must out of the car. Everything was wet. But, when we are arrived inside the caravan, we are shocking! The caravan looked very old and everything was worn. Also was the bedroom really to small for two persons. I had broke my arm and I could climb in my bunk. The only salutation was that I two weeks long, must sleep on the sofa/bed. That was terrible. I could just turn myself. I can hear every crick. This was the worst holiday ever!

The best holiday at Oudersluis:
One of the best vacation was at Oudersluis. In 2006. It was on a camping, it was new and not long open. Our caravan was staying on a small grass field. There was many tents on the field. I like it because; you have a lot of contact with other people. They was a tent close to our caravan. There tent proved by a family with five children. One child has a my age. I was close to her. Often we went with a group to sail and to the village.  Our parents often went to BBQ. Also we going to the beach. It was always sociable. A disadvantage was that she lives in Friesland. I going this year to Friesland and than can I meet my friend and her famaly again.  

week 20.